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Daily Quarantine Rituals

In honor of kicking off another week in quarantine, I've decided to share my daily habits and rituals that I've implemented during my time at home. I know everyone's schedule is different, some people are working and some aren't, and it's thrown off everyone's daily routine! I'm someone who really likes structure and a planned out day, so this was important for me when I found out I was going to be working from home for a few months.

  1. Set a Morning Alarm: this might sound silly, especially if you're not working, but setting an alarm in the morning will help you start your day on a better note. It will keep you and your body in the routine of waking up at a certain time instead of sleeping the day away. Since I'm working from home, I set my alarm for 6:45AM or 7:00AM even though my commute is to my desk five steps away from my bed. I like to make sure I'm giving myself enough time to wake up and do what I have to do before sitting down to work.

  2. Set Time Aside to Workout: when I found out my barre and pilates studios were closing I was HEARTBROKEN. I love to workout and use it as a stress reliever, a mood booster and a way to get myself moving everyday, whether it's in the morning or at night. Since quarantine, I've made it a habit of mine to workout every morning before I start work. I wake up, take my vitamins, feed Winston, make my hot lemon water, make my bed and start my workout. Depending on the day it could be a 30 minute yoga flow, 45 minute HITT/barre mix or a full hour of barre/pilates. I love setting the tone for the day with getting something done for myself that makes me feel better. Elle Woods once said, "Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't just shoot their husbands, they just don't." I'm not quarantined with Will, but I'm sure everyone that's quarantined at home with other people can relate.

  3. Go for Walks: I'm not gonna lie, Winston has run away from me on several occasions this quarantine when I ask him to go for a walk. He's probably sick of me, but I know he can use the time outside as much as I can LOL. I've been trying to go for walks at least once, if not twice a day. Nothing crazy, just a 10-15 minute walk to get some air and move around. Even though I'm working out every morning before work, I think going for walks or getting outside is important. I'm not moving around half as much as I did when I was going to work and living my "normal" life, so I want keep that up as much as I can.

  4. Work Outside: if you're working from home and can take advantage of working outside, do it. Get some sun or enjoy the shade. It makes a difference, even if it's just for a little bit!

  5. Plan your Days: this is my favorite. Since we can't go out or actually make plans with people, I plan my days in other ways. I'll get my planner out and plan my workouts for the week. I'll write down things I need to get done around the house like laundry, washing my sheets or even running to the grocery store. I've even started planning out what I'll eat for the day the night before or the morning of. I'm someone who packs breakfast and lunch for work when going to the office. This makes me feel like I'm still "packing lunch" because I've planned out what I'm going to have the next day, just like how I would do if I was packing my breakfast and lunch the night before work. It might sound weird but to me it helps!

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