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Why I Start My Morning With Hot Lemon Water

So I think that like half the world drinks hot lemon water in the morning at this point, but for the other half that doesn't, I want to share why I'm doing it. If you read my previous post about my favorite health, wellness & fitness influencers then you know I follow Kenzie Burke. Among other things, Kenzie influenced me to start my morning with hot lemon water for a few reasons.


  • aids/kick starts digestion

  • metabolizes & becomes alkaline

  • promotes hydration

  • great source of vitamin c

It might sound crazy, but if I ever forget to drink my lemon water in the morning (a very rare moment) I can tell. I really feel a difference and feel like any water or bloating that my body was retaining from the night before is gone after I have it. It's such an easy step to add into your morning routine. I literally get a mug of water, heat it up for a minute and thirty seconds and squeeze in 1/4 of a takes two minutes out of my morning and sets the tone for my day.

Going off of my second bullet of the lemon water metabolizing and becoming alkaline; this is another beneficial topic entirely that I learned about from someone else who starts their morning like this. Apparently, when your acidic lemon water metabolizes, it turns alkaline, which we LOVE for our body's pH. Foods like fruits, nuts, legumes and veggies promote an alkaline pH, while foods like meat, alcohol, fish, poultry, dairy and eggs promote an acidic environment. Having an acidic pH can promote illness/disease and apparently cancer thrives in acidic environments. I'm by no means a doctor, these are just things I've heard in podcasts from people who research studies and bring guest speakers in to talk about health and wellness.

I know a lot of people are always like BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR TEETH?! My teeth don't really feel like they're being effected, but some days if my teeth feel sensitive I just use a straw.

Bottom line is that starting your morning with hot lemon water is the move.

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