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Sunflower Kale Salad

I am a BIG fan of salads and eat one almost everyday, so I'm always trying to figure out new ways to keep them fun and exciting. This one is my personal favorite right now and takes about five minutes to put together. Best part is, you can make it in bulk and eat it over a few days and it'll still taste amazing! One thing about this salad is that I do not measure a thing, I go off taste and preference of how I'm feeing that day.



Apple Cider Vinegar

Nutritional Yeast

Avocado (optional)

Sunflower Seeds (de-shelled)

Flax Seeds



Garlic Powder

Nutritional Yeast


  1. Place your preferred amount of kale into a large bowl.

  2. Pour in apple cider vinegar and mix the kale thoroughly. Option to massage the ACV into the kale. It's okay if you have a little extra liquid sitting at the bottom of the bowl, just make sure you're adding enough so the nutritional yeast can stick to the kale leaves.

  3. Cover the top layer of the kale in nutritional yeast. This may look like overkill, but it's not! Add a thin layer of salt, pepper and garlic as well.

  4. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly. If most of your nutritional yeast has disappeared, don't be shy about adding more. Add more salt, pepper or garlic if needed.

  5. Cut up an avocado and add it into the contents of the bowl (optional - I prefer to add it in as I eat it).

  6. Take a handful or two of sunflower seeds and add them into the bowl.

  7. Take a small handful of flax seeds and add them into the bowl.

  8. Finally, mix all of the ingredients together one last time and your salad is ready!

Personal preference: I do eat this salad right away, but I personally think it tastes better when the ACV and dry ingredients really get to marinate into the kale. I think it tastes best after a few hours of settling in or even the next day. If you are going to let it sit in the fridge, I recommend adding the avocado into your servings as you prepare the salad for each meal.

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